Find, Attract & Captivate Your Perfect People

Not sure exactly what your niche is, and why you need one? 

Need a bit of help to think about your Ideal Client/Customer, so you can thoroughly get to know them? 

Then this course bundle is for you!  Once you've purchased, you'll get access to the next modules, where you can download the workbook with thirteen pages of help and questions to help you narrow it all down, so that you too can stand out from the crowd and focus on attracting those ideal clients/customers who want to buy from you.  Plus a set of written/video/audio lessons for you to learn more, and a bonus 7 day challenge to really get to know the useful stuff.

See the full info page here for more details :) 

If you'd like help filling it in, or you won't ever get round to doing it all by yourself, why not upgrade and add a 1:1 Brand Brainstorm too, where we can do a 60-90 minute zoom to totally concentrate on your business.  We will brainstorm together, and I’ll help you get clear on all the different aspects of your brand, and walk you through filling the workbook in.  And we’ll work out any next steps you need to take to keep growing a really strong stand out brand too.

Modules for this product 5
Buy Now! £37.00

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 Just the Find Your Perfect People course please!
 £ 37.00 GBP
 💥Are you a quiet or introverted business owner struggling with visibility and marketing? Add my Introvert Entrepreneur's Toolbox for just £9 and get a collection of resources to help you find and use your introvert superpowers and thrive!
 £ 46.00 GBP

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