Find, Attract & Captivate Your Perfect People

Find Attract & Captivate your perfect people course with Jane Mucklow - title

Find Your Perfect People course with Jane Mucklow - photo examples

The ultimate guide to knowing your ideal client & nailing your niche. 

So you can confidently stand out, connect with your audience, and sell more easily!

Conquer Your On-Camera Confidence course with Jane Mucklow - button gif

Do you ever feel...

- Like you’re shouting into a void and just hoping someone - anyone - will take notice?

- Fed up of the constant marketing, forced networking and having to hustle?

- Overwhelmed by what to even say when you do get out there?


Wouldn't it be amazing if you could just...       


- Effortlessly attract your ideal clients or customers? 

- Engage and connect with the people who need you?                                                       

- Easily sell what you do?                                                   

The key to all this is lots of clarity over your ideal client - your perfect people - and your niche. 

When you know who you're selling to (and know the right things about them that will actually help, not just how old they are!), you know what and where and how to sell your stuff.  By focusing on your ideal clients, you’ll not only boost your business but also save valuable time and energy (definitely a good thing for us introverts!).  No more stressing over endless marketing tactics that don’t work.  You’ll have a clear, effective approach to finding and connecting with the people who matter most.

And with my ultimate guide to find, attract and captivate your perfect people, you can easily do all this.  It'll give you a whole lot of content ideas too!


Your Perfect People course with Jane Mucklow - title

The ultimate guide to knowing your ideal client & nailing your niche. 

image title for Find Attract & Captivate Your Perfect People course by Jane Mucklow

It's not about attracting everyone.  It's about attracting the right ones.  

Imagine working with people who get you, who value your unique perspective, and who are ready to invest in what you offer.  

...It's time to end the generic and bland marketing that just isn't working well enough.  Focus on the area where your expertise and passion truly shine, build your authority in your niche, and attract the people who are a perfect fit for your services.  And the more you know your right people (and the right things about them, that will actually help!), and are totally clear on your niche, the easier it is to sell to them. 

That's the power of truly knowing your perfect client. 


I'm ready let's go button gif

testimonial from Gemma re ideal client - got clearer and now getting results

So, what do you get?

Find, Attract & Captivate Your Perfect People is my deep dive into really getting to know your ideal clients/customers, and nailing your niche - whether you are starting from scratch, or want to expand and refine what you've already got.  

It's all so that you can confidently stand out, connect with your audience, and sell more easily. 

- Because you'll be able to focus on the right marketing, the right products/services, and the right people. 
- Because you'll know what to talk about in your content, to resonate with and sell to your right people.
- Because you'll be able to build a brand
that attracts your right people.


What you actually get:

You'll get instant access to a 13 page workbook full of info and questions with space to fill it in if you print it out, to get you delving into your ideal client/customer and all the different things you actually need to know (oh and no it's not just about their name, education level and where they live, it's so much more than that!).  Plus how to narrow down what your niche should be. 

Plus a set of lessons to help you with the workbook - available as written, video and audio versions.

There's also a bonus copy of the ideal client challenge from my Brand Plan membership included, which will give you the really important things you need to know about your perfect people, and some quick wins on content ideas and talking to your ideal client/customers :) 

And you'll feel:

- Able to effortlessly attract your ideal customers/clients.

- Much happier knowing exactly what you do and who for.

- And relieved that you finally know what to say in your content to captivate, connect with, and convert your audience!

For a single payment of £37 :)

Find, Attract & Captivate Your Perfect People course with Jane Mucklow - title image

Find Your Perfect People course with Jane Mucklow - photo examples

The ultimate guide to knowing your ideal client & nailing your niche.
So you can confidently stand out, connect with your audience, and sell more easily!

Conquer Your On-Camera Confidence course with Jane Mucklow - button fig

Hi, I'm Jane :) 

branding photo of Jane Mucklow

I know, it feels the opposite of what you should be doing, when you're told to keep niching down, and to narrow down your ideal client/customer too.  And who even is your ideal client anyway, how are you supposed to get to know them if you haven't sold much of anything yet?  Or why do you need to get to know them even more than you already do?!  

It definitely felt like a weird thing to be told to do when I first started my business and started learning more about what I ‘should’ be doing.  It doesn’t seem quite right to not try to sell to anyone who wants what you do, does it!

But actually, it really does help you sell more, not less. Because when you niche down, it’s so much easier to get known for specifically what you do, and you can become the go-to person, the expert, the one to work with or buy from, the specialist rather than a jack of all trades. And wouldn’t you rather buy from a specialist who does it really well, than someone who knows a bit of everything?

And when you really get to know who your ideal client/customer is, your target market or your perfect people, it means that you will know where to find them, what to say to them, what to sell to them. And that will make it much easier to actually sell to them too. Because you’d be much more likely to buy from someone saying the words you understand, about the problem you have, and how they can solve it for you wouldn’t you, rather than something much more generic?

But it can also feel really hard to do, to find out more about your ideal client and work out what you need to know about them that is actually going to help you.  And I've spent a long time learning about what works, what you actually need to know about them to supercharge your business.

So that's why I created this workbook, as one of the first digital products I put together, to help my audience get to know theirs.  And now I've added the course and bonus challenge to help you actually do it - so now it's your turn to kick-start your business, or uplevel where you're at now, by gaining much greater clarity on your niche and your ideal client, and know how to use that info.  This Guide will walk you through how to do all that.

And if we haven't met yet, hello!  I'm a branding photographer, and a brand & visibility strategist/mentor for introvert business owners.  I help you to confidently show up and be you - in photos, with a stand out brand, and with introvert friendly visibility strategies that you can actually do without all the overwhelm, burning out, or trying to be someone you're not.  So that you can stop hiding, sell more easily, and thrive as an introvert business owner.

I'm also a wife, mum of 3 stressed nearly all teenagers (and a hamster!), I'm an introvert ISFP, based in Kent, who loves holidays in Cornwall, wandering in the countryside with my camera, and chocolate😋

Jane Mucklow quote - remember it's not about appealing to everyone, it's about attracting the right ones

testimonial for Jane Mucklow from Vicky - definitely worth it!

testimonial by Clare about Jane Mucklow - absolutely fabulous

Find Attract & Captivate Your Perfect People course with Jane Mucklow - title

Find Your Perfect People course with Jane Mucklow - photo examples

The ultimate guide to knowing your ideal client & nailing your niche.
So you can confidently stand out, connect with your audience, and sell more easily!

Conquer Your On-Camera Confidence course - I'm ready button gif


Got Questions? Here are the Answers!

Who is it for?

This course is for any business owner, whether you sell products or services or work online or a mixture.  It will help you at the start of your business journey to get your Niche and Ideal Client basics in place before you go any further.  And it will help you if you are further down the track, if you have changed or grown your business, or just need to get clearer on your niche and ideal client/customer.  

What exactly am I getting?

- A 13 page workbook taking you through how to thoroughly know your ideal client/customer and nail your niche.

- A set of ten lessons taking you through all you need to know, available as written, video and audio versions.

- A bonus copy of a 7 day challenge from my Brand Plan membership which will give you some quick wins on content ideas and talking to your ideal client/customers😉

Is there a refund policy?

- Due to the instant access digital nature of this product there is no refund. But if you have any problems or questions please do get in touch so I can help.

How long do I have access to the course?

- For as long as I have it available as a product, and including any future updates.

How will it help me?

When you’ve worked through this workbook/course, either with me or on your own, you’ll know so much more about your brand and your business. 

You’ll have clarity on these two very essential aspects of your brand: your target market, and how you fit into it, and your target audience and how you can attract them.  You'll know how to be different, and stand out from your competitors.  You'll know how to use your expertise to be the best in your niche and you can raise your prices.  You'll know how to specifically talk to your ideal customers/clients and help them easily see how you can help them, so they want to buy - you'll be irresistible to them and it will be much easier to sell.

Can I get personal support to help me with this?

If you're in my Brand Plan membership (Classic or Elite level) then you'll have access to the main bits of this too, it's part of the Phase One training to create your brand.  And of course then you get a weekly zoom and the membership group to ask me for whatever help you need.

Join the membership any time you like, but you'll see an offer at the checkout to save £10 a month if you sign up from there.  And once you're in there, you can ask me questions or we can chat through it. 

You can also ask questions inside the course hub once you're signed in, or in my free Your Brand Story Facebook group😀

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