Blog Case Study: Kerry Allen, headshot photos
Blog title image, headshot photos and case study of Kerry Allen

Case Study: Kerry Allen, headshot photos


Kerry Allen, CPM Accountants - A Headshot Photography Case Study 

From not liking yourself in photos to sharing them everywhere!

I’d love to introduce you to Kerry Allen of CPM Accountants who I photographed last year and helped take her from not liking herself in photos to sharing them everywhere!

Kerry works with small business owners on a range of accountancy services, thoroughly getting to know them and their businesses so that she can best help and support them.

Kerry's previous photos were out of date and didn't look like her any more.  But she'd been putting off having any more taken because she didn't really like herself in photos.  She said she felt too shy to have her photograph taken professionally, and thought she looked awful if photos weren't taken properly. 

I knew Kerry through local networking, and she said she chose me for her photos as she liked other work I'd done, the style of shots from a headshot session were what she was after, and because I was an introvert like her.

Despite her fears, we had a great photography session!  I made sure as usual with my shy and worried clients, to show Kerry the great photos we were getting on the back of my camera so that she could see too, coached her through how to pose, and kept her relaxed.

And Kerry loved all her photos!  She actually had so many good ones that she liked to choose from that she needed help deciding which ones to keep!😀 And she couldn't wait to use them either, adding them to her website straight away, and using them in her social media.

"I absolutely love them. I have put them all over the place to show them off!" - Kerry

branding photo by Jane Mucklow Picture Your Brand of Kerry Allen

I love the banner image crops like this one!  There are more examples when you scroll down too. 

You can see some of the photos Kerry chose on her website,  and on her Instagram at  - I'm so pleased with how they capture her personality and show how approachable Kerry is - we definitely didn't want any stuffy and boring accountant look!  

Ready to book your own branding shoot or headshots?  Find out more on my Capture Your Brand photography page.

"I loved how you presented the photos and the different options you could choose from." - Kerry

Here are a few more of my favourites too, as even in a short headshot session we still got lots to choose from and fitted in a few more 'branding' style images as well😀

Jane Mucklow Picture Your Brand photo of Kerry Allen headshot x2

Jane Mucklow Picture Your Brand photo of Kerry Allen

Jane Mucklow Picture Your Brand photo of Kerry Allen at desks working x3

Jane Mucklow Picture Your Brand photo of Kerry Allen x2 with coffee cup

Jane Mucklow Picture Your Brand - branding photo of Kerry Allen

Jane Mucklow Picture Your Brand - branding photo of Kerry Allen

Jane Mucklow Picture Your Brand - branding photo of Kerry Allen x 3

Jane Mucklow Picture Your Brand - branding photo of Kerry Allen sitting at a desk

Jane Mucklow Picture Your Brand - branding photo of Kerry Allen sitting at a desk

I loved Kerry's photos and was glad to know that she did too after all the worries - she wrote afterwards that she'd been very nervous but I'd been very patient and built her confidence up😀  And that she was really pleased that I captured her personality and her brand, showing who she is and that she's relaxed and approachable.

"I think they whole thing ran really smoothly. Right from the moment I decided to have the photos done to receiving them. You explained the process and I knew what to expect at each stage.  

You knew from the outset that I was nervous and you reminded me during the shoot what I needed to do to ensure a good photo. And the proof is in the result that was achieved because I had too many good pictures to chose from and that is because of you!" - Kerry

testimonial from Kerry Allen for headshot photos with Jane Mucklow - brilliant photos, highly recommend

Don't forget to check out Kerry's website to see the photos in action (and if you need any accountancy support!): 

➡️Want some photos you love too?  Find out more on my Capture Your Brand photography page.

I look forward to photographing you soon!

blog and email footer - love Jane x


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